SDSP Benchmark

   ;----------- constants and data areas for the random generator
     a : data 16807
     m : data 2147483647    ; (2**31)-1
     q : data 127773        ; m div a
     r : data 2836          ; m mod a
   scale : data 10000000    ; scale factor to produce random number between 0 and
     x :   data 20          ; starting seed (updated each time algorithm executes)
   result : res 1           ; random result between 1 and 214
   ;---------- load constants into registers for the generator algorithm
   begin :  ldq r1 r0 a
            ldq r2 r0 m
            ldq r3 r0 q
            ldq r4 r0 r
            ldq r10 r0 scale