Introduction to
Behavioral Modeling

-- Notes Page --

Using VHDL, a system designer can model a circuit (i.e., a component or system) at multiple levels of abstraction. In prior lessons, we have concentrated on the basic elements and the structural forms of describing models in VHDL. In this module we concentrate on the behavioral view, that is, describing how the circuit is to perform.

We hide the structure of the design when modeling a circuit behaviorally. Instead, we are vitally interested in the functionality of the circuit. At the highest levels of abstraction, we even ignore timing.

When modeling in VHDL it is important to follow standard practices of software engineering. Otherwise, the model will be hard to maintain, even by the person who wrote it. In addition, to aid the reuse of models, even "throw-away" models should be created with care, and with the thought that others may use it.

Typical model design and coding practices include structuring the design, iteratively refining a high-level view of the model down to its final form, employing abstract data typing to hide and encapsulate data, and organizing the individual model components so that they are loosely coupled (small number of interface signals) and have strong cohesion (keep strongly related functions in the same architectural body).