The following sequence of instructions causes the address of ARRAY to be put into BX, 0 to be loaded into SI, and the contents of the word beginning at ARRAY to be transferred to AX:

            LEA    BX,ARRAY
            MOV    SI,0
            MOV    AX,[BX][SI]

The LDS and LES instructions are the same except that the former loads the DS register from memory and the latter loads ES from memory. Both instructions also load a second nonsegment register from memory and neither instruction affects the flags. Typical LDS and LES instructions are:

            LES    DI,TABLE[BX]
where STRING_SOURCE_POINTER and TABLE are double-word variables.

Figure 3-11 Summary of the arithmetic operations that are directly implemented by 8086 instructions.

Figure 3-12 Conversion process needed to perform calculations in binary.

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